Stiftung Digitale Chancen - (Digital Opportunities Foundation) has been campaigning to interest people in the diverse possibilities of the internet and support them with their internet experience since 2002. It is the goal to counteract the exclusion of disadvantaged groups of society from the development towards an information society. The Foundation actively campaigns against the digital divide and is committed to digital inclusion. In this they especially address those who have not yet had a chance to join digital life because they encounter barriers or do not have access to the internet. To reach the goal the foundation gets in close contact with stakeholders from politics, business and the academia who work on digital inclusion.

ESPLAI’s mission is promoting committed citizenship through social inclusion, social-educational action and a responsible use of ICT, with a special dedication to childhood and youth, all in all within the global aim of encouraging the third sector role in society. They work at local, national and international level developing different projects addressed to different vulnerable groups and designing methodological tools and training materials.

Narodni centrum bezpecnejsiho internetu (NCBI/National Safer Internet Centre) is a non-profit organization. Its aim is to educate internet users in the field of the safer use of the Internet and modern information and communication technologies preventing and reducing the potential social risks associated with online communication. NCBI promotes safer use of the internet among children and youth through educational activities, seminars and conferences organised during the year.